Sunday, December 11, 2011

it's not a cliche

It's time to say goodbye to past expectations of holidays. It's not how much you spend or how much time you put into the preparations. Nobody remembers that. What they remember is the time you spent together, the laughter, the love and the good feeling of sharing a special moment with family. Quality.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Happiness Project

Have you ever started reading a book and thought, if I was a writer, this could be my book?

Two weeks ago I went into Chapters to a birthday gift for my Dad. I only had enough money for the gift, and did not even have an interest to browse (which is rare for me in Chapters). As I walked past the "self help" section, I stopped to look at a book with an eye catching bright blue cover and yellow font. It was the Happiness Project. A friend of mine read the book this summer and her review of it was positive. Though I knew I did not have the money to buy it, I headed to the cashier remembering a Chapters card in my wallet. As I looked through the assorted contents of my wallet, I found not one but two Chapters gift cards. I gave them to the clerk and was surprised when the total of the cards combined paid for the book and the remaining change I could donate to charity! Thank you universe!!!

I left the store knowing I was supposed to read this book. As I started to read, I realized this author was writing my thoughts.

I am happy, but I feel like there is more happiness out there for me. No, I am not planning to leave my family in search of it. I am simply referring to the feeling inside, the knowing and urging to seek more joy.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tabula rasa

Starting with a blank slate...tabula rasa.
I signed on this morning with the intention to delete my old blog, but when I started to read my posts from two years ago I realized my words have value. I don't mean they have such value that the world needs to read them. The value comes from the honesty and insight into my little corner of the world. Keep in mind here that my corner does not consist of sharp edges and cracks so small nothing will fill them.
My rounded corner of the world, is more like a sphere. I am the center of the sphere and surrounding me are family and friends whose experiences together with mine create life stories.

The stories we create are not meant to fill up the eternal lapses into the meridian of time. I am here to tell you that the universal energy works through all of us. Anyone can have a blog, an online chat or diary of sorts, to share their hopes and dreams, ups and downs of life, earth shattering kabooms and over joyous moments of emotion that catapults one to the highest vibrational energy. This time, today, my blog is something of a tool through which I can communicate with you, the messages and talking that goes on in my head. Is it my own voice? Yes and no. We all experience it, but do you listen?
Like me, sometimes what you read later will stir some verifying energy to lift you up and help you realize you are worthy of all you hope for and desire in this lifetime. It's there for you to reach out and grab. You can inspire your children and your friends, but don't forget to also inspire yourself.
For once, I close my eyes to type what I hear the voice telling me. I listen to the voice. It and they guide me, support me and my intentions, push me towards my dreams. Some of you have the innate ability to follow your dreams and others are held back by fear. Fear is what makes you crave a tabula rasa. All past experience make you whole. It's who you are and must be a learning experience. Today, I move forward and look outwards for the universal signs that will guide me to my path. This message today was guided by Zeda.

Friday, May 21, 2010

someone to watch over me

Do you ever get the feeling someone is watching over you? I'm not referring to a creepy feeling you get when you realize someone has been watching you. I mean the appreciative feeling, the feeling of awe.

I know I have someone watching over me. I sense it throughout my day when something amazing happens, a narrowly missed accident, green lights all the way to where I'm headed, a kind word from a stranger, an uplifting conversation, the right song playing on the radio.

I am a spiritual person, who notices and feels the energy of those around me. I know there is a higher power or universal energy. It's not something I can prove to you, but I could share many stories to raise the hair on your arms.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

one moment at a time

Sometimes I have taken life for granted, but not since last week. In a tragic accident, a friend of ours lost her life. One minute she was in her element, cycling down a hill taking in the view that stretched on before her, the next minute she was unconscious, fighting for her life.

She was a woman of substance who gave more to others in the past year than some people give in a lifetime. A woman who touched the lives of many with her golden smile, her infectious laugh and her encouragement. An angel on earth, now an angel in heaven.

Even in her death she has inspired others to start giving, sign their donor cards, live in the moment and find the passion missing from their daily existence. She did not merely exist day to day, she relished every moment and encouraged others to do the same.

I am one of those who has been inspired. I want to live a Phat life!